Hello beautiful Soul đź’– How are you feeling today?

Are you feeling tired and exhausted? Or are you feeling on top of the world? Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually… Both feelings are legitimate and are, in fact, two sides of the same state…

Would you like to feel beyond those two?

and beyond “in or out of control”, and rather ✨IN BALANCE, HARMONY AND BLISS✨? And would you care to get help so this harmonized state becomes your new "default/normal"?

with your feelings and emotions and with your core and essence – feel relaxed, re-energized and even rejuvenated - allow the alignment of mind-body-spirit and head-body-heart naturally happen, take place, anchor and integrate in and within your system –

Choose your service and book a session with me (FB message Tatsiana Shtykava Rostved or email tatsianahealing@yahoo.com) and we’ll walk this path together – in a gentle, non-forceful, non-invasive, but effective and sustainable way.

Healing massage, deep relaxation massage, energy work and therapeutic conversation are the tools (combined in a session). We both tune in and feel and know what's needed - here and now. I hold space for you and your process…

Go to Services and choose the session for you or keep reading to learn more about Tatsiana Healing.

I have (been blessed with) a gift of naturally tuning in and feeling the energy, the tension, the flow - whatever there is, how it is moving or what its state - I feel it. My system, my being becomes a channel for the Universal healing love-light energy which moves through me - my heart presence, eyes, voice, hands and finger tips - and through you - harmonizing, balancing, recalibrating.

I am just a skillful instrument: I add nothing to it, because it is perfect and intelligent, and it goes where it needs to go; helps release what needs and is ready to be released; and heals what needs and is ready to be healed.

And when your body, mind, your system and being get deeply relaxed - your inner healer (innate body intelligence) simply cooperates with this process - tensions get released, healing is supported and facilitated, your being, your energy - elevated... - naturally.

Our body, just like our mind, is wired with magic. And it is your birthright, through loving attention and simple wellness & wellbeing, to get access to it. You allow yourself to feel good and comfortable in your body, just being you.

Since I was a little girl I knew that there is so much more to life, the world, us - humans, and our bodies and even minds. And I knew that I was going to actively help in bringing back and awakening this memory, inner understanding, knowledge, and wisdom both in & within myself and every-body and every-one I get in touch with.

"Our (energetic) bodies hold within them many secrets, codes and deeply forgotten memories. Through a variety of means, we are afforded the opportunities to heal and bring our (energetic) bodies into balance. When our (energetic) bodies are balanced, cleansed, strengthened, and tuned, and when our energies are regulated and healthfully functioning, we are energetically supported in our enlightenment and awakening", and well-lived everyday life ✨🍀✨ (from "Star-Seeded Ascensions. ACTIVATING THE STARSEED" by Amy Sikarskie)

I just love working with body and energy... Let me show you what simple wellness and wellbeing of Tatsiana Healing can. I invite you to book a session with me and experience and enjoy it for yourself.

Sessions and Clipcards:

For a description of a session go to Services.


1 session (90 min. full body) – 800 DKK

1 session (60 min. full body) - 700 DKK

1 session (45 min. mostly only focus area) - 600 DKK

1 session (30 min. only focus area) - 500 DKK


Clipcard GOLDEN – 6 sessions (90 min. each )for 600 DKK each = 3600 DKK

Clipcard SILVER - 6 sessions (60 min. each) for 555 DKK each = 3330 DKK

Clipcard BRONZE - 6 sessions (45 min. each) for 500 DKK each = 3000 DKK

Clipcard Amethyst - 6 sessions (30 min. each) for 450 DKK each = 2700 DKK

I give my sessions in the wellness temple rooms and atmosphere of SALIG, Masnedøgade 20, 2nd floor, 2100 Copenhagen.

Contact: send a personal message on Facebook to Tatsiana Shtykava Rosved or email to TatsianaHealing@yahoo.com

Words of Wisdom:

"The purpose of life is to express love in all its manifestations. Love is the expression of unity in a diverse world. By transforming our consciousness, we can become co-creative with evolution itself." "In virtually all spiritual paths, one of the essential tasks is to clear away whatever obscures or dims the divine light in us, and to remove the blockages in our minds and bodies created in this lifetime or in former lifetimes."

"The goal... must be... so that divinity may be experienced, our hearts opened and our sacred Earth healed."

By Hildur Jackson in "The Song of the Earth"